It was an awesome show! Pele let us perform by stopping the rain for us and giving us a Rainbow. Through the wet, mud, rain, and technical difficulties, we pulled it off! As far as works in progress go, it wasn't bad-it was inspiring! I can't wait to re-stage it and make even better.
Mahalo for all the support, effort, love, and hard work that went into this production! Ecspecially Raj, David, Kristen, Amma, Megan, and Eric! Also big love to Claire, Missy, Drew, Daina, Davion, Ilan, Lynn, Sid, Annalisa, Tiki, Corey, Gus and the Kalani 'Ohana!! Mahalo to you all!
So, tommorrow I will be going to Vipassana Meditation for 10 days of noble silence. When I get out, I will post pics and vids of the show so you can all have a look see at what we did. Stay tuned.
Me ke aloha…wailana
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