SAFEhouse RAW Spring 2017 Artist in Resident Wailana Simcock collaborates with Bay Area Pinay singer/song-writer and punk rocker, Golda Supernova. Using original song, text, and movement, WANDERING is an emboldened new work highlighting the artists’ shared Philippine diaspora and the wanderings of a truth seeker.
May 10 – 11, 2017 8PM Wednesday & Thursday, $15 online tickets, $10-20 sliding scale CASH ONLY tickets at door. SAFEhouse Arts 1 Grove Street, San Francisco, CA 94102.
This dance film directed by Garin Nugroho and Vilsoni Hereniko is an adaptation from the popular Javanese legend of “Mangir” written by Pramoedya Ananta Toer, a never ending battle of power between a king and a regional warrior dating back to the 1500’s – 1600’s. This is a 4:54 min edit from the 30 min original and is currently being shown in international dance film festivals. (NETPAC – Network For The Promotion of Asia-Pacific Cinema – 2016).
Wailana is the featured aerial dancer in Father Sky, a postlude to Taimane Garner’s latest album “We Are Made of Stars” available at
Directed and Edited by TallTree Productions. Shot on Oahu, Hawaii.
“Adapted from the popular Indonesian legend “Mangir,” written by Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Salesi is a story about the tragedy of power and unconditional love. This dance film is a collaboration of filmmakers, dancers, choreographers, and producers from Indonesia, Hawai’i and the Pacific Islands. The film is sponsored by NETPCA/USA; NETPAC/Indonesia; University of Hawai’i at Manoa Department of Theatre and Dance; University of Hawai’i at Manoa’s Academy for Creative Media; Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art and SET Workshop. Other sponsors include Shooters Film Production; Island Film Group; Shaunagh Guinness Robbins, Movie Museum”.
This was an incredible experience. So humbled and grateful to work with such talented, bright, and inspiring people. Mahalo.
We shot at Shangri-La – Doris Duke’s old place, for two days and spent one day at Lo’i Kanewai at UH Manoa. These places are magical and it was an honor indeed to be there, dancing. The film is to be released next year and is expected to enter film festivals throughout the world. Please check out Garin Nugroho’s films if you haven’t, he is a genius.
Wai Company is honored to be one of this year’s featured groups performing in the Local Motion event of APDF Sunday July 19 at 2pm UH Manoa’s Kennedy Theater. The Company will also be are offering an aerial dance workshop on SAT/SUN July 25 – 26, 10am – 12pm. Workshop is open to all levels of experience. Aerial Tissue Dance and Technique Workshop with Brian Wailana Simcock. Click here to sign up: and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Papa a Wakea will be a featured performance in Local Motion, an event of the Asia Pacific Dance Festival that showcases Hawaii’s local dance makers on July 19th, 2015 at 2pm. Papa a Wakea is a Hawaiian creation story that of depicts the love story and drama Wakea, Sky Father, and Papahanaumoku, Earth Mother. It combines modern and aerial dance forms with influence from hula and oli (Hawaiian chant). The cast features kumu hula Ka’enaaloha Hopkins, Wailana Simcock, and David Sause accompanying the performance with live violin. It also involves pulley operators Sequoia Carr-Brown and Kapono Aiwohi-Kim to allow Wakea to fly in this special event. To buy tickets got to:
This historic performance marks the beginning of Hawaiian Theatre at the University of Hawai’i with Tammy Haili’opua’s La’ieikawai. Wailana is casted as actor and chanter and plays Ka’onohiokala, the Sun-God, using the aerial ring for an incredible modern interpretation of a well known mo’olelo (story). Check out this review: